Three Complementary Remedies To Fight Depression For Yourself

Sounds like a paradox, doesn’t it? You don’t have to be a certified psychiatrist to realize that a person in depression lost the mood and the motivation for a lot of things, including eating or bathing or getting out of the house. A very depressed person won’t even allocate enough energy to read this article until the end phrase. So what’s with the “You can do it!” motivational speech, when we all know that when depression kicked in, there’s not much to do about it than go to therapy and take your pills?

In a very cold-hearted assessment and a worse-case scenario situation, all of the above are true. People suffering from major depression are not likely to empower themselves with some happy thoughts and get themselves out of the pit. They usually need professional help and documented cases talk about not leaving the house in days, not seeing anyone, quitting jobs, getting sick and even commit suicide, so clinical depression is not something to joke about.

However, specialists say there are some things we can do WHILE going to therapy and maybe following an anti-depressant treatment, as complementary therapies we can administer to ourselves. While nobody says they can replace psychotherapy and sometimes medication, some articles on WebMD, written and reviewed by trained professionals tell us we can do it in our own terms. What’s this all about, you wonder?


# Physical exercise

Nobody expects a depressed person to wake up one morning an start running the park, then go to the gym and finish the day with a well-deserved sauna. People with depression find it hard to get out of bed some days. But Ian Cook, the director of the Depression Research and Clinic Program at UCLA, is more optimistic. Physical exercise boosts endorphins and stimulates the brain to feel good. So basically, what the doctor orders is to allow yourself to do some exercise a few times a week, starting with walking around the block, going to therapy by foot if it’s not too far or at least walk a few steps a day in the neighborhood while disputing the negative thoughts and irrational beliefs as the therapist recommended.

# Lifestyle changes

Sounds silly? Modern medicine and science tend to embrace more and more a holistic approach. The mind is well connected to the body and the other way around, so to some extent, if what you eat can make you feel a little better, why not? For depressed people making sudden and major changes might not be the best advice to begin with, but the introduction of small ones can complement the therapy. For instance, Dr. Cook says that some foods might do a lot of good, even if science can’t for now establish concrete and irrefutable evidence regarding the benefits of a certain diet to cure depression. Actually, the research is in the process of being conducted and further developed, just as in the case of the benefits of vaping a blu e cig vs. smoking a tobacco cig. The existing evidence is further researched in both cases. For instance, there were found some interesting connections with the ease of depression and the consumption of omega 3 fatty acids (found in fish mostly) and folic acid (found mostly in spinach and avocado). Minor change to add a tuna slice to the dinner, but it’s something that one can do alone and maybe improve his or her state of mind.

# Keep on trying

When you’re depressed, you have little reasons to enjoy life (or so you think) and even less mood to have fun. How to have fun anyway, you’re depressed?! Psychotherapists and researchers say that even the shortest moment of fun in a day can complement the therapy. Indeed, depression turns everything into darkness and nothing feels, tastes or sounds the same anymore, but the “keep trying” alternative refers to small add-ons to your routine, like watching an old comedy you used to enjoy, making an effort and letting your friends come over once in a while, play a jolly song or try to get back to a hobby which used to make you feel good about yourself.

Kidney Failure

Kidney failure occurs when these organs cease to remove toxic wastes from the blood and excrete it in the urine. There are many causes of kidney failure but it follows one of two courses:

Acute kidney failure comes on suddenly. There is an abrupt decrease in urination and widespread swelling, or edema. Warning signs include unexplained weight gain of two or more pounds a day, facial puffiness, nausea, and marked weakness, As the failure progresses, the breath may have a urine odor. This is a life threatening medical emergency, yet most patients eventually recover kidney function. About 60 percent of cases are associated with surgery or an injury that causes shock. Other precipitating conditions include severe kidney infection or injury, dehydration or heatstroke, poisoning, extensive burns, and failure of other organ systems. Acute kidney failure can also be a complication of pregnancy, especially if the woman has preeclampsia, or toxemia.

Chronic kidney failure develops slowly and is usually irreversible. The early stages may produce no noticeable symptoms. As the condition worsens, fatigue, lethargy, and headaches occur, possibly with muscle twitches, cramps, numbness, or pain in the arms or legs. In contrast to the weight gain of acute failure, the patient experiences loss of appetite and weight, nausea, vomiting, and a bad taste in the mouth. Glomerulonephritis, in which the kidney’s filtering units (nephrons) are gradually destroyed by chronic inflammation, is the most common cause of chronic kidney failure. Other causes include diabetes, high blood pressure, and such kidney disorders as hereditary polycystic kidney disease.

Diagnostic Studies And Procedures

Diagnosis requires a complete physical examination, as well as urine and blood tests, X-rays, kidney scans, and in some cases, a kidney biopsy.

Medical Treatments

Whatever the type and cause of kidney failure, renal dialysis must be performed to remove the buildup of waste products in the blood, a process called uremia. In acute failure, reatment of the underlying cause usually allows the kidneys to recuperate and return to normal function, thus ending the need for dialysis. In the case of chronic progressive failure, however, dialysis must continue for the rest of a patient’s life, unless a kidney transplant is under taken. There are two major types of dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. In hemodialysis, the blood is filtered through a membrane in an artificial kidney machine. First, an artery and vein in either an arm or a leg are joined under the skin to form a fistula. Then a small tube, or shunt, is inserted into the fistula so that the machine can be attached to the body. During the procedure, blood is drawn from the artery, through the shunt, and into tubes that take it to an artificial kidney, where it is cleansed by a fluid called dialysate and then returned to the body through the vein. Depending on the level of kidney failure and the achines being used, a hemodialysis session can take from three to eight hours and generally must be performed several times a week. It can take place in a hospital, an out patient kidney ialysis center, or the patient’s residence with a home dialysis machine.

The last usually requires the assistance of someone who is trained in the use of the machine. Even so, most people find home dialysis less expensive than going to a dialysis center and also more convenient, as it can be done at night while they sleep. An added convenience is that a portable home achine can be used when traveling. Otherwise, advance arrangements must be made to have dialysis performed at an out of town site when a patient travels for more than two or three days. Peritoneal dialysis involves using the peritoneum, the membrane that lines the abdomen, for filtering wastes. To provide access to it, a small incision is made in the wall of the abdomen and a permanent opening is established with a soft plastic tube. During dialysis, the peritoneal sac is filled with a special fluid that helps draw off waste material. This fluid is washed in and out of the abdomen in cycles. Three techniques are used for this type of dialysis. Intermittent peritoneal dialysis (IPD) lasts 10 to 14 hours and is done in a hospital or clinic three times a week.

Another method, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), can be performed at home. This is an ongoing process in which the person always has about two quarts of dialysis fluid in the abdomen. The fluid is changed manually three or four times a day, with each fluid exchange taking 20 to 40 minutes. In automated peritoneal dialysis (APD), a more recent innovation, a cycler machine performs the dialysis while the patient sleeps. This system usually eliminates the need for fluid exchanges during the day. A doctor must monitor blood levels of phosphate, potassium, and other electrolytes at regular intervals, because these substances, essential to maintaining normal body chemistry, often become imbalanced during kidney failure. The physician will recommend supplements as needed. Because kidney failure also increases the risk of anemia, blood tests must be done frequently, and erythropoietin may be prescribed. This hormone, which is normally produced by the kidneys, helps prevent anemia by stimulating the bone marrow to make red blood cells. A kidney transplant is an alternative to long-term dialysis. This is the treatment of choice for chronic kidney failure, but donor kidneys can be difficult to find.

The best chance for achieving a successful transplant rests with receiving a kidney from a living donor, preferably a relative whose body tissues are genetically compatible so that the chances of rejection are reduced. Healthy people require only one kidney to function, but only 20 percent of those needing a kidney transplant have a relative who is an acceptable donor. Most transplant candidates go on a waiting list to receive a healthy cadaver kidney taken from someone within minutes of dying, usually as the result of an accident. A shortage of cadaver kidneys forces many transplant candidates to wait years for one. The transplanting of a kidney is major surgery, requiring general anes thesia and lasting two to three hours.

After removal from a donor, a kidney must be transplanted within 18 hours. In most cases, the failed kidneys are left in place, with the transplanted kidney positioned much lower in the abdomen than normal. The donor kidney also must be attached to blood vessels the internal iliac artery, which supplies blood to the pelvic organs, and the external iliac artery and vein, which serve the legs. The majority of kidney transplants are successful, allowing the recipient to lead a relatively normal life. But about one third of transplanted kidneys temporarily cease to function for a time ranging from a few days to two weeks. In a few cases, the kidneys will never resume functioning, necessitating con tinued dialysis or a second transplant. Most transplant recipients leave the hospital in two to three weeks to continue recuperation at home. In the first few weeks after surgery, patients have blood tests several times a week to monitor for signs of organ rejection. They must also take powerful immuno suppressive drugs for the rest of their lives to prevent rejection. Because these drugs increase the risk of infection and cancer, regular checkups are necessary.

Alternative Therapies

Kidney failure always requires careful medical treatment directed by a nephrologist, a specialist in kidney disease. Thus, any alternative practitioners should be a part of the treatment team.

Herbal Medicine

Uvaursi, or bearberry, is an old remedy for irritation and inflammation of the urinary tract. Practitioners recommend one or two capsules of uvaursi extract three or four times a day to treat nephritis, which can cause kidney failure.

Nutrition Therapy

A nutritionist or clinical dietitian trained in treating kidney failure should be enlisted to plan a diet. In particular, protein intake must be carefully regulated because too much places a heavy burden on the kidneys. Fluids may be restricted. Also, the diet should be low in salt and phos­phorus, and potassium levels must be carefully monitored. Vitamin and mineral supplements may be advised. Some dietary restrictions might be adjusted for patients who undergo a kidney transplant. For example, protein intake should actually be increased after surgery to prevent a breakdown of muscle tissue caused by steroid medications, which are often given to help prevent rejection.

Tai Chi

This or some other gentle exercise program can help counter the loss of muscle mass and weakness that often accompanies kidney failure. Exercise is also important to prevent bone loss caused by steroids and other drugs given to kidney transplant patients.

Self Treatment

  • In addition to adhering consistently to any dietary restrictions, self care centers on maintaining overall good health and controlling any underlying condition that contributes to kidney failure.
  • If you have high blood pressure or diabetes, two common causes of chronic kidney failure, be especially diligent about keeping them in check.
  • If you require long term dialysis, learn how to do home dialysis.
  • If you have flaky skin, a common problem for people with chronic kidney failure, apply a moisturizer after bathing and bathe in lukewarm, rather than hot, water.
  • If you are a woman suffering from chronic kidney failure, practice scrupu lous birth control because pregnancy presents an increased risk of complications for both you and the fetus.

Other Causes of Kidney Failure

A number of conditions can cause uri­nary symptoms, including an enlarged prostate, bladder or kidney stones, urinary tract infection or tumors, and an obstruction of the ureters, the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder. If untreated, these disorders can damage the kidneys.

Why You Need a Geriatric Care Manager In Philadelphia

Often times when the senior citizen is left in the care of the extended family there may be certain challenges that arise. Getting to address the needs of such a people requires you to pay close attention. However this may not be possible especially if you are working and are most of the time out of home.

Even if there was someone left at home such a person may not be trained to take care of the needs of such elderly persons. The kind of diet, exercising and probably medication if they are often sick can be a daunting task for the common care giver. This requires that a special care giver is employed or better still the senior can be transferred to an elder’s facility where they can get specialized attention

When you live in and around Philadelphia and such a need arises you probably need to get the assistance of a Geriatric care manger Philadelphia. Such a manager will offer a number of personalized services to help your elderly relative to live a peaceful and manageable lifeCloseup of young woman with couple of elderly people

Some functions of the care manager

It is important that such a person understands and can respond to the needs of the senior citizen under his or her care. That means they should be able to communicate fluently and also have a keen and caring ear for their clients.

There is a lot that might be expected of a care giver but typically here’s a list of the primary duties that one should be able to carry out:

  • Conduct care planning evaluations aimed at identifying the needs and problems that he or she must address
  • Ensure that the care process is going on well and inform the immediate family members of any arising needs or emergencies
  • Handling any crisis interventions
  • Acting as a go between if the family of the senior citizen is far
  • Offer counseling and support services to the elderly person

Generally this process will require the care manager to be familiar with the health care and psychological needs of their clients. Sometimes the clients may have physical challenges like disabilities that require some degree of physiotherapy to help alleviate the pain or distress that the elderly is going through.

With this kind of management you are assured of adequate care provision for your elderly relatives whom you may not be able to care for because of other out of home commitments. These care providers will often charge a certain fee for their services.

Depending on the country or location of such a service the service provider will ask for the health care organization or professional fees related to the services by the care managers that can be billed privately using the fee-for-service option. Currently in the US this service is not covered by Medicaid, Medicare or many of the private health insurance policies. However, such clients have the option of billing some of such services to the long term care insurance that depends on individual case history.

Vaporizer Aromatherapy Blend for Better Focus – How Does it Work?

What is Aromatherapy?

This is the process of using oils got from plants which can easily be turned into vapors and used for improvement of the physical and psychological state of the human being. These are called essential oils and there are 90 of them. Also CO2s, Absolutes and Hydrosols are included in the list. The usage of these oils help to improve your mental status. In addition to essential oils, you could also use other natural ingredients like vegetable oils, sea salts, sugars, clay and mud.

Vaporizer Aromatherapy Blend for Better Focus

Benefits of using aromatherapy blend for focus

Sometimes there is a need to complete tasks under pressure and you need to focus on things very hard. This is when aromatherapy comes into picture and can aid the process. A number of natural ingredients can be used to improve the mental performance.

Peppermint is one such ingredient. When used in the vaporizer it works up the senses and the respiratory system. You get a flavor of mint when you inhale it which causes oxygen to gush to the brain allowing you to focus better.

Rosemary helps in improving the memory functions of the brain. Recall and retaining capacity of the brain goes up after inhaling these vapors. It rests the body while getting the brain to concentrate on things.

Lime peel is another such herb used in the vaporizer. The citrus flavor helps you to think positively and handle tough tasks at hand.

Thus with a proper blend of peppermint, rosemary and lime peel you can get a lot of benefits to your mind. You will feel refreshed, energetic to take up tasks with a positive frame of mind.

How to use them

If you have a portable vaporizer you can inhale the flavors and go ahead with your tasks. It could be driving, writing something, watching something etc. By using essential oils in the vaporizer you get the best effects since the ingredients are heated by convection and not combustion. If you are driving, the vapors help in keeping your senses active. If you have a headache due to a cold, it helps in clearing the sinuses and allows you to think properly and focus on what you are doing. The vapors can also help in avoiding car sickness and anxiety. Only ensure that you are not using herbs which could cause you drowsiness. Just using 3 to 4 drops of essential oil helps.

To conclude

At the end of the day when you want to unwind and relax you can use candle vaporizers or electronic vaporizers which allows you to inhale aromatic herbs. This has a cooling effect on the brain and gets you all energetic to take up tasks at home. You could also have the aroma fill up the room giving you a good feeling. There are different blends of herbs you could use for different effects. You improve your senses, to relax, for medicinal purposes, to reduce headaches and tension.